Wednesday 26 October 2011

trip to National Musuem, KL

assalamualaikum and hello.

hiii everyone. today i would like to share my moment went to trip with my klasmet 4 pd 3 to national museum. for us as pelajar asrama nee if dpt keluar dari sekola pegy mane2 pun kira dah happy sangat la even before ni i dah penah pegy punn national musuem nee dgn my old schoolmates.

 zOOm. all oranges. Oranges for Septec. weeee~

it was totally different if nak compared dgn trip sekolah lama punye. yew la time sekolah lama imma free nak pegy mane pun then boleh bwk  phone + camera then chit chat dgn my bestie iylia n shahe.but trip kali ni dia bagi quiz psl sejarah, tokoh-tokoh n bla bla so we need to search information about that. ingat kan pegy just for fun yew la melawat jeh en . act mase cikgu bg group i tak same pun dgn syikin, then ofcoz la i exchange. how can i live without my babechickin :DD

really hope our friendhip will lasting foreva kay <3

syikin hearts adlina hearts emira

 my klasmet <3

then, jumpa cikgu practical, ckgu Aini dekat sana

thats all. thanks 4 reading :>